______________ BUSINESS CARD
______________ LOGO
______________ PERSONAL
______________ LOGO
______________ PERSONAL
The “Hi” is only part of a larger multi-logo system used for website, business cards, and invoices, that incorporates a pink horse, a grid background, and 2 fonts, Codystar and Futura.
I was born in the year of the Horse. Fosse is my incredibly handsome cat.
My previous website, fossesayshi.com
Opening page had a fixed scroll with a subliminal text overlay describing the qualities of those born in the Year of the Horse.

About page with the various versions of my name in use, my Horse qualities, my Virgo qualities (tons of Horse overlap), every picture I own of my youth, with some of my salad days sprinkled in, and my skills bar indicating 100% potential, with maybe 3/4 realized. There is still a lot of work left to do . . .

Invoice with 3 elements and type 1 fonts futura (t1) bold oblique, book, and extra bold PLUS MY "PERSONAL LOGO": NO. 9
